Detailed Lesson Plan in English 1

I.  Learning Objectives:
     At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to
  1. Answer wh questions
  2. use the simple past form of the regular verbs
  3. pronounce the words in the past form correctly

II. Learning Activities
     Skill: Using the Simple Past Form of the Regular Verbs
     Story: Hungry Ming
     Reference: English Expressways I Textbook pp. 209-211, 243-245
                      English Expressways I Teacher's Manual pp. 100-102, 120-123
                      K to 12 curriculum Guide pp. 129
     Materials: charts, pictures, pocket chart, flashcards
     Values: Love and concern for Animals
     GAD Core Values: Equalized Opportunity

III.Learning Experience
          Teacher's Activity
     A. Preparatory Activities
          1. Song
                This is the Way
          2. Review
                a. What have you learned yesterday? ans. "We learned about action words"
                    What are the words mentioned from the song? ans. "wash, brush, comb, put"
                     What do you call those words? ans. "Those are action words."
                b. Read the sentence and identify the action words
                    1. The boy walks slowly. "walks"
                    2. The crabs crawl.  "crawls"
                    3. Nora wipes the table.  "wipes"
                    4. The pupils listen to their teacher.  "listen"
                    5. Dory eats all the fish balls.  "eats"

    B. Development Activities
        1. Motivation or Pronunciation Drill
                   ed-/t/          ed-/d/          ed-/ed/
                  Wiped        spilled            waited
                  Jumped      cleaned          painted
                  Licked       barrowed       planted
                  Pushed       smelled          sounded

        2. Presentation
            a. Do you have pet at home? ans. "Yes , Teacher."
               What animals do you have? ans. "We have cat. We have dog. We have birds."
            b. Do you love your pet? ans. "Yes, Teacher."
                How do you show your love and concern to animals? ans. "We show our love and concern  for them by giving them food."
                As a child how do you treat your pets? ans. "We should treat our pets as humans, we should show our love and concern for them because they can be our best friends."
            c. Do you want to hear a story? ans. "Yes, Teacher."
                  Well, listen carefully as I tell a story entitled, "Hungry Ming".
                1. Raising of Motive Question    
                    What do you want to know about the story? ans. "What do you think did Ming do?"
                2. Reading of comprehension Questions
                    a. Who is the hungry cat?
                    b. What did she see on the table?
                    c.  How did Ming get the milk?
                    d. Where did Ming sleep?
                3. Unlocking difficulties (through sentence clue)
                    a. Don is hungry. So she eats her breakfast.
                    b. The child licks the ice cream.
                    c. The sleepy boy lied on his arms.
                4. Recall Some Standards of Oral Reading
                    a. Read aloud with expressions
                    b. Speak clearly.
                    c. Observe punctuation marks: pause at commas and stop at periods.
                5. Reading the story: "Hungry Ming"
                6. Answering the Motive Question
                    What do you think did Ming do? ans. "Ming spilled the milk on the table."
                7. Answering Comprehension Questions.
                     a. Who is the hungry cat? ans. "The hungry cat is Ming."
                     b. What did she see on the table? ans. "She saw a glass of milk."
                     c. How did ming get the milk? ans. "She jumped on the table and put her tongue into the glass and licked it."
                     d. Where did Ming sleep? ans. "Ming slept on the bed."
           C. Generalization
               When do we use the past form of verbs? ans. "The past tense of the verb is used when the action is already done."
               How can we form the past tense of verbs? ans. "We add -d or -ed to the base form of the verb to form the past tense."
           D. Fixing Skills 
                Underline the past form of the verb in 
                   each of the following sentences.
                1. The boy watered the plants.  = watered
                2. Marina danced gracefully. = danced
                3. I borrowed books in the library = borrowed
                4. I washed the dishes. = washed
                5. Nestor played a guitar. = played

         Read the sentences, Encircle the correct form 
            of the verb.
                1. Mario (water, watered) the plants yesterday.
                2. They (wipe, wiped) the windows last week.
                3. Danilo (wash, washed) the dishes last night.
                4. Liza (clean, cleaned) the yard last Monday.
                5. Eric (scrub, scrubbed) the floor yesterday.

V.  Assignment
         Bring picture and tell sentences or simple story using the past form of the verb.