Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics IV

I. Objectives
   a. Interpret data presented in single vertical and horizontal bar graphs
   b. Write data presented on a bar graph
   c. Work quickly but accurately

II. Subject Matter
    Interpreting Data Presented in Single Vertical and Horizontal Bar Graph
   Reference: Mathematics IV Learners Materials, page 246-249
              Mathematics IV Teacher's Guide Page 319-326
   Materials: Activity sheet, pictures of single vertical and horizontal bar graphs
   Value Focus: Accuracy, Teamwork

III. Procedure
     Teacher's Activity
   A.Preliminary Activities
     1. Drill
        Let's have an activity on skip counting by 2's, by 5's and by 10's.
 by 2's   by 5's   by 10's
 2        5        10
 4        10       20
 6        15       30
 8        20       40
 10       25       50
 12       30       60
 14       35       70
 16       40       80
 18       45       90
 20       50      100
     2. Review
        Last meeting, we discussed about on how to interpret data presented in pictograph.
 Number of Flowers made by each pupil
sarah   ****
Juwan *****
Zaira   ****
Zepho ***
Lita     *****
        Legend: * represents 5 flowers
        What is the title of the pictograph? ans. "Numbers of flowers made by each pupil."
        What is the legend? ans. "flower teacher"
        Who made the least number of flowers? ans. "zephora teacher"
        What is the total number of flowers made by Juwan and Zaira? ans. "45 flowers"
        How many flowers were made by Zepho and Sarah? ans. "35 flowers"
     3. Motivation
Hours of Work Per Week
          What can you say about this picture? ans. "a graph teacher"
          Do you know what kind of graph is this? ans. "a bar graph teacher"
          Very Good. 
          There are two types of bar graph the vertical and horizontal bar graph.
    B. Presentation
         Our lesson for today is about on how to interpret data presented on a single vertical and horizontal bar graph.
    C. Discussion
        Vertical and horizontal bar graph had different parts namely: title, scales and labels on horizontal axis and vertical axis.
        What are the three parts of bar graph? ans. "the title, number scales and labels teacher"
        Where do we find those parts? ans. " The vertical and horizontal axis."
        Bar graphs compare data on the horizontal and vertical axis. There is no legend unlike pictograph.
        What are being compared in bar graph? ans. "data in horizontal and vertical axis."
        A horizontal bar graph includes: two axes, the horizontal axis and vertical axis with title, label and scales.
Mom's Favorite Flowers
         0 2 4 6 8 10
         On this graph, the horizontal axis is the number of mothers and the vertical axis is the flower choices.
         What is found in the vertical axis? ans. "Flowers teacher"
         What is found in the horizontal axis? ans. "Number of mothers"
         What is the title of the graph? ans. "Mom's Favorite Flowers."
         What flower is the most favorite of the mothers? ans. "rose teacher"
         What flower has the least number of mothers? ans. "lily and daisy teacher"
         A vertical bar graph has two axis the vertical axis and the horizontal axis with title, labels and scales.
         What are the two axis of vertical bar graph? ans. "the vertical and horizontal axis."
    D. Generalization
         What is a vertical bar graph? ans. "A vertical bar graph has two axes the horizontal and vertical axis with title, label and scales.
         What is a horizontal bar graph? ans. "A horizontal bar graph has two axes the vertical and horizontal  axis with labels, title and scale.
         What are the three parts of  a bar graph? ans. "The title, number, scales and labels teacher."
         Why it is called a vertical bar graph? ans. "because the labels of the vertical bar graph is in the vertical axis"
         Why it is called a horizontal bar graph? ans. "both bar graphs compared data from different groups and periods."
         How do you read and interpret data on a bar graph? ans. "It can be read and interpreted using the title, scale and label."
         Why is it important to have an accurate data? ans. "It is important, because it gives us correct information that can guide us."
    E. Application
        I will group you into two groups. Row 1 will be the 1st group and row 2 will the 2nd group. Each group has an envelope. Inside the envelope has a picture of graph and guided questions. You will answer those questions in 10 minutes. After that we're going to check your answers. The fastest group with correct answers will be the winner.
1st envelope:
 Favorite Book
           5 10 15 20
          Guide Questions:
          1. What is the title of the graph? ans. "Favorite Book"
          2. What subjects are included? ans. "science, math and english"
          3. What subjects has least number of students? ans. "english"
          4. What subject is the most favorite of the students? ans. "math"
          5. What is the type of this bar graph? ans. "horizontal bar graph"
2nd envelope:
 Favorite Food
(attach picture)
          Guided Questions:
          1. What is the title of the graph? ans. "Favorite Food"
          2. What are the food choices? ans. " tinola, adobo and menudo"
          3. What food has the least number of pupils? ans. "menudo"
          4. What food has the most favorite of the pupils? ans. "adobo"
          5. What is the type of this bar graph? ans. "vertical bar graph"

IV. Evaluation
      Read and interpret the bar graph. Answer the questions that follow.
Fruits harvested in Kilogram
            10 20 30 40 50
           1. What is the title of the bar graph?
           2. What is found in the horizontal axis?
           3. What is found in the vertical axis?
           4. How many kilograms of jack fruit were harvested?
           5. How many kilogarams of atis were harvested?
           6. Which fruit has the least harvested in kilograms?
           7. Which fruit has the most harvested in kilograms?
           8. How many kilograms of fruits were harvested in all?
           9. How many kilograms more atis were harvested than mango?
           10.How many kilograms of banana were harvested?

V. Assignment
    Interpret the data of this bar graph. Answer the questions below.
    (attach image here)
            1. What data are found in the vertical axis? In the horizontal axis?
            2. What kind of graph is shown?
            3 What are being compared?
            4. What is the title of the graph?

            5. How many gallons of water was consumed in Wednesday?