Detailed Lesson Plan in English V

I. Objectives
   At the end of 60 minutes discussion, pupils are expected to:
 a. Tell what is an adverb
 b. Differentiate adverbs of frequency from adverbs of manner
 c. Identify the adverbs of frequency and adverbs of manner used in the sentences.

II. Subject Matter
   Topic: Using adverbs (adverbs of frequency and adverbs of manner)
   References: Angeles, Evelyn B et. Al, English Expressways Language V, p. 214-218; ELC 5.5, 5.5.1, p.        24
   Materials: video clip, flashcards, charts, laptop and projector, activity card and pictures.

III. Procedures
      Teachers Actitivity
 A. Preparatory Activities
      1. Review
          What was our lesson last meeting? ans. "Our lesson last meeting was all about descriptive phrases and words."
          What are those descriptive phrases? ans. "As + adjective + as Too + adjective + to + verb
          Will you give examples of those descriptive phrases? ans. "as tall as tree, as beautiful as flower, too dark to see, too shy to recite"
      2. Motivation
          Do you love your parents? ans. "yes teacher we do."
          How do you show your love to your parents? ans. "We can show our love to our parents by hugging,kissing and most of all by obeying their commands."    
          It seems that you really love your parents that much. Those question I asked on you has something to do with the poem we will read today. It is entitled "Mommy". But before we proceed to the reading of the poem, what are the rules we have when reading? ans. "do not shout", "understand what you are reading"
          Let's start. (Reading of the Poem)
          What are the values you learned from the poem? ans."The poem tells us how our mommies care for us", "It also tells that we should love our parents"
 B. Development Activities
      1. Abstraction of Details
          Let's now observe some lines from the poem
          1. Always stays on my side
          2. Never leaves me
          3. I usually feels better
          4. As she smiles cheerfully
          5. I embrace lovingly my beloved mommy.
      Kindly read them all. (pupils read the phrases or sentences)
      What have you noticed from the colored words? ans. "They come before or after the words they described."
      What is the word being described in number 1,2,3,4 and 5? ans. "The words being described are stays,leaves, feel, smiles, and embrace.
      2. Presentation of the lesson
          The underlined words are adverbs and it will be our lesson for today. We will also be able to differentiate the adverbs of frequency from adverbs of manner.
      3. Discussion
          We will be watching a video clip for you to know more about adverbs. (Teacher plays the video)
           Based on the video, what are the words that adverbs modify? ans. "adverbs modify verb, adjective and another adverb"
          Based on your answer, what do you think is the meaning of adverbs? ans. "adverbs are words that modify a verb, an adjective and another adverb" 
          Let's now study the adverbs of manner and frequency. 
          Sentence: "She speaks loudly." How does she speak?
          In the sentence given, loudly is the adverb.
          Now what does an adverb loudly modify? ans. "Loudly modifies the verb speaks."
          To what question does this sentence must be answered? ans. "Teacher it is answerable by question how."
          What have you observed in the structure of this kind of adverb? ans. "Teacher it is a combination of adjective and a suffix -ly.
           Correct. This kind of adverb is what we called adverbs of manner because it tells how the action happens. (Teacher gives more examples)
           Sentence 2: "They always go to school."
           How frequent do they go to school? ans. "They always go to school teacher."
           Always is the adverb used in the sentence. What does an adverb always modify then? ans. "always modifies the verb go."
           What do you think is the kind of adverb that tells how frequent an action occurs? ans. "Adverbs of frequency. Is the adverb that tells how an action happens." 
       4. Generalization
           What are adverbs?
              ans. "adverbs are words that modify a verb, an adjective and another adverb.
           What are the two types of adverbs that we discussed today? 
              ans. "We discussed the adverbs of frequency and adverbs of manner."
          Will you differentiate the two? 
              ans. "Adverbs of frequency tell how often the action happens while adverbs of manner tell how the action happens."
          ( Divide the class into four groups. Let them form circles for every group for a convenient collaborative activity. Let them choose their leaders. )
          I have here four boxes which contain selection, cartolina and pentelpen. Leaders please come in front and pick a number for your group and get the box that corresponds to the number you'll pick.
          Remember class this is a group activity, therefore you must work as a team. So here are the things you must do.
            1. Read the selection carefully.
            2. Pick all the adverbs used in the selection and write them down using the materials given.
            3. After writing all the adverbs, leaders will present the output of the activity in front.
          This activity class is good only for five minutes. ( Pupils will do the activity and present the output afterwards.)

IV. Evaluation
      Directions: Underline the adverb used in each sentence and write AF if the adverb is frequency and write AM if manner.
  __1. The girl dances gracefully.
  __2. She always come to school late.
  __3. My mom frequently waters the plants.
  __4. The boy carefully gets the ball.
  __5. I often eat vegetables.
  __6. The students easily answer the tests.
  __7. Sometimes, I forgot to fix my bed in the morning.
  __8. Allan and Peter never do their projects.
  __9. She crazily dances.
  __10. The gentleman humbly accepts the award.

V. Assignment

     Give at least ten examples of adverbs of frequency and adverbs of manner.