Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics V

I. Objectives:
 At the end of the lesson, the pupils are expected to:
   1. Know the different parts in constructing a line paragraph.
   2. Construct a line graph based on organized data presented.
   3. Work cooperatively in a group.
 Values Integration: Cooperation and accuracy

II. Learning Content:
 Skills: Construct a line graph based on organized data presented.
 Materials : grid board, graphs, activity card, colored chalk, show-me-board,  laptop and projector, video  clip

III. Learning Experience:
    Teacher's Activity
 A. Preparatory Activities:
    1.) Prayer
         Math Song
                 M-A-T-H (2x)
                 Modern Math (2x)
                 Let's sing it together (2x)
                 1,2,3 (2x)
   2.) Drill on Plotting Points on a Grid Board Strategy:
        a.) Divide the class into two groups.
             Each has a grid board, a piece of colored chalk and 
             a card wherein the ordered pairs are written.
        b.) At the signal "Go", pupils will plot the points on the grid board.
        c.) The first group who will finish the plotting will be the winner.
        For you to become a good member of the group, what will you do?
        ans. "Teacher we should actively participate and cooperate with our group mates"
        Very Good!!

   Ordered Pair:
   1. (3,4)      6. (20,19)                          22  23  24  25  26  27  28
   2. (4,5)      7. (19,18)                          15  16  17  18  19  20  21
   3. (5,6)      8. (18,17)                          08  09  10  11  12  13  14
   4. (6,13)    9. (17,10)                          01  02  03  04  05  06  07
   5. (13,20) 10.(10,3)
   What figure formed in the graph?
   ans. "Teacher we formed square shape in the graph"
   Very Good!!

  3.) Review:
       What is our last topic yesterday?
        ans. "Teacher, our last topic yesterday is all about reading and interpreting data presented on a line               graph.
       Very Good!!
       Here is an example of a line graph. Let us first read and interpret data presented on a linen graph.

       Janno's Score in Computer Game
       28                / /   
       26        /             
       24     /                
           1st  2nd  3rd
      Answer the following questions.
      1. What do you call this kind of graph?
       ans. "It is a line graph"
      2. What is the title of the graph?
       ans. "Janno's Score in Computer Game"
      3. In what game did Janno gets highest point?
        ans. " Janno gets highest point in the 3rd game."
      4. In what game did Janno gets the lowest point?
        ans. "Janno gets the lowest point in the 1st game."
      Very Good!!!
   4.) Motivation:
        Present a video clip about a line graph.
        Teacher will show picture of line graph.
          What kind of graph it is? ans. "It is a line graph!!"
          What is the use of a line graph? ans. "a line graph is use to determine the changes of data over a                        period of time."
        Very Good!!!
 B. Development Activities
    1.) Presentation:
         Class, we are through discussing what is a line graph, right?   ans. "yes teacher"
         So, do you already know what is a line graph and what is the use of it? ans. "yes teacher"
         Very good!!!
         Today we are going to discuss how to construct a line graph based on organized data presented.
         Are you ready to learn class? ans. "yes teacher"
    2.) Discussion: Present a video clip.
           Use the data in the table to construct a line graph.
             age in years              ideal height of boys in cm      
                      1                                   75                             
                      2                                   85                             
                      3                                   95                             
                      4                                  110                            
                      5                                  115                            
          Follow these steps.
       1. Organizing the data in a chart or table.
       2. Draw and label the horizontal and vertical axis.
       3. Plot the points and connect all points using line segment from left to right.
       4. Write the title of the graph.
    3.) Fixing Skills:
          Below are the result of Third Grading Tests in Grade V Class
            Subjects                          Percentage of Mastery       
              English                                75                                 
              Filipino                                90                                
              Makabayan                         85                                
              Mathematics                       80                                
              Science                               80                                
      Plot the result in the line graph.
      In what subject, do pupils need improvement? ans. "In english subject pupils need to improve"
      In what subject, pupils had excel? ans. "In filipino subject, pupils had excel.
      Very good!!!
     4.) Generalization:
           What are the steps in making or constructing a line graph?
       ans. 1. Organizing the data in a table or chart.
              2. Draw and label the horizontal and vertical axis.
              3. Plot the points and connect all points.
              4. Write the title of the graph.
     Very good!!!
     We have to consider and follow those steps in constructing a line graph. For us to have an accurate data          finding.
  C. Application 
      Divide the class into 3 groups.
      Answer and construct line graph. Use the data below.
      *Jane would like to make a line graph about her score in Math on the month of July as shown below.
      *Help her construct the graph.
           week                 score     
              1                      50        
              2                      47        
              3                      46        
              4                      49        

  Answer the following.
 1.What is Jane's highest score in math? ans. "score of 50 is the highest"
 2. What is Jane's lowest score in math? ans. "score of 46 of the lowest"
 Very good!!!

IV. Evaluation:
 Construct a line graph using data presented.
    Month      Amount of Rainfall in Batanes in cm
    January        20
    February     10
    March         15
    April           10
    May            25
    June            30

 1. What is the title of the graph? ans. "amount of rainfall in batanes"
 2. What month has the highest amount of rainfall? ans. "in the month of June"
 3. On what month has the same amount of rainfall? ans. "February and april"
 4. What amount in cm. is the lowest? ans. "10cm"
 Very good!!!

V. Assignment:
 Construct a line graph based on the organized data below.
      Age       Number of Children
      10          25
      11          36
      12          15
      13           9
      14           3